martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014
Jefe de Cirugia Cardiovascular del H. Universitario
lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014
Maduro se hunde y ya no convence ni a los chavistas
martes, 7 de octubre de 2014
Freedom Fighters of America: Picture of the Day!
Freedom Fighters of America: Picture of the Day!: October 7, 2014 TO LEAVE A COMMENT CLICK ON NO COMMENTS #FFOA Fresh and True New...
Freedom Fighters of America: Picture of the Day!
Freedom Fighters of America: Picture of the Day!: October 7, 2014 TO LEAVE A COMMENT CLICK ON NO COMMENTS #FFOA Fresh and True New...
martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014
Venezuela’s UN Security Council bid gains backing
lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014
Which Venezuela Are You?
Clorox exits Venezuela citing govt restrictions
jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014
Entrevista: esposa de Leopoldo López denuncia en Vzla ante Comisionado d...
¿Cuál Venezuela Eres Tú?
jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014
Venezuelan government announces mandatory biometric cards to control supermarket shoppers -
martes, 26 de agosto de 2014
Venezuela Fights for Freedom
sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014
ROBERT ALVARADO: La revolución biométrica
martes, 19 de agosto de 2014
Mo. Lt. Governor Blasts Governor for Mishandling of Ferguson Curfew
Mysterious Holes Open Up In New Madrid Northern Reaches – What’s Going On? |
Peanut Butter and Almond Butter recalled for possible salmonella contamination - WPEC-TV CBS12 News :: News - Top Stories
Venezuela: Why Maduro Will Fall Scarcity and Inflation Will Worsen, Fueling the Opposition
Ahora son las “mafias”
PERSEGUIDOS POR GENOCIDIO: Sale a la luz lista de los 23 sancionados por el gobierno de EEUU por violar DDHH en Venezuela

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014
Libertad de expresión en Venezuela está agonizando, según periodistas y ...
domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014
The United States must Help Us!

Please ask your Senators to sanction the Oppressors


Mataron a finquero y lo escondieron dentro un depósito (Fotos)
Reinaldo dos Santos: ¿Quién salvará a Venezuela?

¿Cómo vive el hombre más alto de Venezuela!
Watching TeleSUR English, Venezuela's State-Backed News Site For English...
Venezuela crisis in Unasur spotlight
- Amid protests, Venezuela to remember late Hugo Chavez
- Amid protests, Venezuela to remember late Hugo Chavez
martes, 12 de agosto de 2014
Venezuela 'anti-smuggling' troops deployed near Colombia
Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 273
lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014
U.S. Partially Suspends Venezuela Visas -24 arch 2014
domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014
Venezuelan protesters in violent clashes with Government troops - Truthl...
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014
China to loan $4 bln to Venezuela in exchange for oil
Venezuela Begins Emptying 'World's Tallest Slum'
Protests, violence continue in Venezuela
sábado, 26 de julio de 2014
China's President Xi Jinping signs Venezuela oil deal,
Venezuela: Deepening economic crisis explodes into violent protests
Venezuela's Maduro combats dissidence among ruling socialists
domingo, 13 de julio de 2014
VICE News & YouTube - Venezuela
Behind the Protests in Caracas: Venezuela Rising
Delta Air Lines Cutting Back Flights To Venezuela
American Airlines Cuts Flights To Venezuela
Venezuela Brings Reform To Foreign Currency System
martes, 8 de julio de 2014
Vinculan a hija de Chávez en supuesta negociación ilícita - América TeVé
La Propuesta II - [ La Demanda ]
Venezuela anti government protests turn deadly; 3 killed
Thailand, Malaysia, Venezuela Fail on Human Trafficking
Protests, violence continue in Venezuela
Venezuela's Maduro breaks diplomatic relations and frozen economic ties ...
Help Venezuela!
viernes, 4 de julio de 2014
Happy Birthday to us!
sábado, 14 de junio de 2014
Venezuelan President Maduro Wants The United States To Join Peace Commis...
UN Slams Excessive Use of Force Against Venezuela Protestors
UN Slams Excessive Use of Force Against Venezuela Protestors
Picture/Cartoon/Joke of the Week!
June 14, 2014
viernes, 6 de junio de 2014
Picture of the Week!
June 6, 2014
Freedom Fighters of America, Video 70, Commercial
Freedom Fighters of America, Video 69, Commercial
sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014
Danny Glover: What Side is The Media On? (4/5)
RAW COVERAGE: On the Ground in Venezuela
lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014
Mind your own business, Venezuelan foreign minister tells John Kerry
domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014
Picture of the Day!
viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014
Venezuela:¿Circular del Gobierno busca matar pacientes en Hospital?
China extends $40 bn creidt to Venezuela CCTV News CNTV English
miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014
Parents hire coaches to teach bike-riding to children - Washington Times
martes, 20 de mayo de 2014
lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014
Opposition Supporters Decry Cuban Meddling in Venezuelan Army Affairs 2014
Venezuela Says U.S. Bans Maduro From Flying Over Puerto Rico 2014
domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014
Palestinian Authority signs major oil deal with Venezuela
Picture of the Day!
Freedom Fighters of Venezuela,
Fresh and True News 24/7 WITH NO HYPE,
sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014
Freedom Fighters of America, Video 65, New Chapters, Freedom, World
Freedom Fighters of America, Video 64, Second Commercial
Venezuela President Urges Re-start Of Political Dialogue
Hugo Chavez Interview & Venezuela Review Full BBC HardTalk Special Report
News about Venezuelan Protests (reported by Philip de Franco)
Palestinian Authority signs lucrative diesel deal with Venezuela
viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014
Venezuela opposition leader Capriles to stand in election - BBC News - T...
jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014
Venezuela Sees Protests Down To Hard Core, Over By July
News Archive - Day 4 (MAY 15, 2014) - Venezuela Oposition retracts - E...
miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014
Cristóbal 12 de Mayo de 2014
Sr. FreedomFOA
Receive our best regards
and wishes for success in your personal and professional efforts. Serve this to
let you know a great project that we called " Resistance 2 wheels "
which we perform towards the dissemination of information that contributes to
it is known, in various cities in Venezuela, the reasons wield as members of
civil society to exercise our legitimate right to protest based on current and
deplorable conditions of everyday Venezuelans.
In this regard we plan to begin and end this national crusade in the city of San Cristobal. During the development of it is set to visit a number of cities, among which are: Barinas - San Carlos - Barquisimeto - Puerto Cabello - Maracay - Valencia - Puerto La Cruz - The Assumption - Caracas - Coro - Maracaibo - Valera and Merida can annexed to some other start date as permitted by state .
In view of the obvious media siege that Venezuelans are subjected vile and constant manipulation of information by members of the regime that oppresses people in Venezuela , it seems imperative to implement actions to spread the reality of events have been raised in our country since protests in San Cristóbal on 04 February this year began.
That is why a group of about 30 motorcyclists Tachira decided to pursue this crusade to run in each city activities that contribute to that end. Among them are:
- Exhibition of photographic and audiovisual ( videos) Material in which the constant violation of human rights of Venezuelan citizens as a result of the brutal and savage repressions carried out by agencies for this purpose such as the National Guard is evidence , the Bolivarian National Police, the People's Guard and state police in some cases , combined with attacks by the so-called " collective " acting illegally under the cover , and often protection of organisms previously stated .
- Citizens Assemblies in which important data and statistics related to nationwide protests, as well as important information about the rights of citizens will be disseminated will be made , actions to be taken in case of human rights violations , recommended contacts , fights Cuban interference , among others.
- A documentary video will be used for the full path of the cross so that it is evidence of the work done over it.
- Constant updates of the progress made and the path is effected by the use of social networks, which provide information and content and allow interaction with those who wish to do so
- Contacts with resistance leaders and students in different cities and with the media to disseminate the activities undertaken.
Obviously, a project of this magnitude requires the investment of many resources. The team involved will make a significant contribution of their own pockets, but the support of citizens and businesses is needed to complete the project successfully. It is important to remember that this fight is all because the future of Venezuela is at stake and there is no doubt that in view of the events experienced in the last three months. Each new strategy to provide a grain of sand in the fight we are developing helps to move a step towards regain freedom in our country and thus work towards achieving Venezuela of progress and development for all who had the blessing of being born in this country.
In this regard we would expect the contribution it deems appropriate and is within reach. The same can be done by economic input or support to help us achieve the proposed concrete and can be successfully cross target. Any help will be welcome and will be contributing to the resistance struggle for freedom in our country. In advance thank you very much for your attention and support!
For more information, please contact:
In this regard we plan to begin and end this national crusade in the city of San Cristobal. During the development of it is set to visit a number of cities, among which are: Barinas - San Carlos - Barquisimeto - Puerto Cabello - Maracay - Valencia - Puerto La Cruz - The Assumption - Caracas - Coro - Maracaibo - Valera and Merida can annexed to some other start date as permitted by state .
In view of the obvious media siege that Venezuelans are subjected vile and constant manipulation of information by members of the regime that oppresses people in Venezuela , it seems imperative to implement actions to spread the reality of events have been raised in our country since protests in San Cristóbal on 04 February this year began.
That is why a group of about 30 motorcyclists Tachira decided to pursue this crusade to run in each city activities that contribute to that end. Among them are:
- Exhibition of photographic and audiovisual ( videos) Material in which the constant violation of human rights of Venezuelan citizens as a result of the brutal and savage repressions carried out by agencies for this purpose such as the National Guard is evidence , the Bolivarian National Police, the People's Guard and state police in some cases , combined with attacks by the so-called " collective " acting illegally under the cover , and often protection of organisms previously stated .
- Citizens Assemblies in which important data and statistics related to nationwide protests, as well as important information about the rights of citizens will be disseminated will be made , actions to be taken in case of human rights violations , recommended contacts , fights Cuban interference , among others.
- A documentary video will be used for the full path of the cross so that it is evidence of the work done over it.
- Constant updates of the progress made and the path is effected by the use of social networks, which provide information and content and allow interaction with those who wish to do so
- Contacts with resistance leaders and students in different cities and with the media to disseminate the activities undertaken.
Obviously, a project of this magnitude requires the investment of many resources. The team involved will make a significant contribution of their own pockets, but the support of citizens and businesses is needed to complete the project successfully. It is important to remember that this fight is all because the future of Venezuela is at stake and there is no doubt that in view of the events experienced in the last three months. Each new strategy to provide a grain of sand in the fight we are developing helps to move a step towards regain freedom in our country and thus work towards achieving Venezuela of progress and development for all who had the blessing of being born in this country.
In this regard we would expect the contribution it deems appropriate and is within reach. The same can be done by economic input or support to help us achieve the proposed concrete and can be successfully cross target. Any help will be welcome and will be contributing to the resistance struggle for freedom in our country. In advance thank you very much for your attention and support!
For more information, please contact:
Note: route map is attached
to be traveled and
corporate image project.
Cristóbal 12 de Mayo de 2014
Sr. Freedom FOA
Reciba nuestros cordiales saludos y deseos de éxito en sus gestiones
personales y profesionales. Sirva la presente para hacer de su conocimiento un
gran proyecto que hemos denominado “Resistencia en 2 ruedas”, el cual queremos llevar a cabo en pro
de la difusión de información que contribuya a que se conozca, en diversas
ciudades de Venezuela, las razones que esgrimimos como integrantes de la
sociedad civil para ejercer nuestro legítimo derecho a la protesta con base a
las actuales y deplorables condiciones del día a día de los venezolanos.
En ese sentido tenemos planificado iniciar y concluir dicha cruzada
nacional en la ciudad de San Cristóbal. Durante el desarrollo de la misma está
establecido visitar una serie de ciudades entre las cuales se encuentran: Barinas – San Carlos – Barquisimeto – Puerto
Cabello – Maracay – Valencia – Puerto La Cruz – La Asunción – Caracas – Coro –
Maracaibo – Valera – Margarita – Cumana – Pto. La Cruz – Pto. Ordaz y Mérida
pudiendo anexarse algunas otras para la fecha de inicio según nos permita la
En vista del evidente cerco mediático a que estamos sometidos los
venezolanos y la constante y vil manipulación de la información por parte de
los integrantes del régimen que oprime a la población en Venezuela, nos parece
imperativo ejecutar acciones que permitan difundir la realidad de los
acontecimientos que se han suscitado en nuestro país desde que se iniciaron las
protestas en San Cristóbal el 04 de febrero del presente año.
Es por ello que un grupo de aproximadamente 30 motociclistas del
Táchira decidimos llevar adelante esta cruzada para ejecutar en cada ciudad
actividades que contribuyan a tal fin. Entre ellas tenemos:
Exhibición de material
fotográfico y audiovisual (videos) en los cuales se evidencia la constante
violación de los Derechos Humanos de los ciudadanos venezolanos como resultado
de las brutales y salvajes represiones llevadas a cabo por los organismos
encargados para tal fin tales como la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana, la Policía
Nacional Bolivariana, la Guardia del Pueblo y las policías estadales en algunos
casos, aunado a los ataques realizados por los denominados “Colectivos” que
actúan de forma ILEGAL bajo el amparo, y en muchas ocasiones protección, de los
organismos previamente enunciados.
Se realizarán Asambleas de
Ciudadanos en las cuales se difundirán importantes datos y estadísticas
relacionadas con las protestas a nivel nacional, así como información
importante sobre los derechos ciudadanos, las acciones a ser tomadas en caso de
violaciones de Derechos Humanos, contactos recomendados, lucha contra la
injerencia cubana, entre otros.
Se realizará un video
documental durante el trayecto completo de la cruzada para que quede evidencia
del trabajo realizado a lo largo de la misma.
Se efectuarán constantes
updates de los avances realizados y de la ruta mediante el uso de las redes
sociales, lo que aportará información y contenido y permitirá la interactuación
con todos aquellos que deseen hacerlo.
Contactos con líderes de la
resistencia y estudiantiles en las distintas ciudades así como con los medios
de comunicación para difundir las actividades realizadas.
Como es obvio, un proyecto de esta magnitud requiere la inversión de
muchos recursos. El grupo que participará realizará un considerable aporte de
sus propios bolsillos, pero se necesita el apoyo de los ciudadanos y de las
empresas para poder concretar el proyecto de forma exitosa. Es importante
recordar que esta lucha es de todos, porque el futuro de Venezuela está en
juego y de eso no queda duda a la vista de los acontecimientos vividos en los
últimos tres meses. Cada nueva estrategia que aporte un granito de arena en la
lucha que estamos desarrollando contribuye a avanzar un paso en pro de
recuperar la libertad en nuestro país y de esa forma trabajar en pro de lograr
una Venezuela de progreso y desarrollo para todos los que tuvimos la bendición
de nacer en este país.
En ese sentido nos gustaría contar con el aporte que considere
pertinente y que esté a su alcance. El mismo puede ser realizado mediante apoyo
económico o de insumos que nos ayuden a lograr el objetivo propuesto y que se
pueda concretar la cruzada de forma exitosa. Cualquier ayuda será bien recibida
y estará contribuyendo a la lucha de la resistencia por la libertad en nuestro
país. De antemano muchas gracias por su atención y apoyo!
Volevo colpire i politici. Grave il carabiniere. Rischia la paralisi
Reports: Venezuela extends asylum offer to Snowden
martes, 13 de mayo de 2014
BREAKING NEWS - Jacinto Convit, Creator of Anti-Leprosy Vaccine Dies at 100
Correa opina sobre Capriles y elecciones en Venezuela
Venezuela shows off its Russian built rocket launcher platforms
Voluntary Virtues 8-10pm EDT Yasha Yakhnis - Venezuela Rationing Food, 3...
More violent clashes in Venezuela ahead of Thursday's crisis talks
lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014
Venezuela President Maduro arrests 'three plotting generals' - 26 March ...
Clashes Flare After Venezuela Student Camps Raided, Many Dead
Information Provided by: infoplease
Gen. Juan Vicente Gómez was dictator from 1908 to 1935, when Venezuela became a major oil exporter. A military junta ruled after his death. Leftist Dr. Rómulo Betancourt and the Democratic Action Party won a majority of seats in a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution in 1946. A well-known writer, Rómulo Gallegos, candidate of Betancourt's party, became Venezuela's first democratically elected president in 1947. Within eight months, Gallegos was overthrown by a military-backed coup led by Marcos Peréz Jiménez, who was ousted himself in 1958. Since 1959, Venezuela has been one of the most stable democracies in Latin America. Betancourt served from 1959–1964, while Rafael Caldera Rodríguez, president from 1969 to 1974, legalized the Communist Party and established diplomatic relations with Moscow.
Venezuela benefited from the oil boom of the early 1970s. In 1974, President Carlos Andrés Pérez took office, and in 1976 Venezuela nationalized foreign-owned oil and steel companies, offering compensation. Luis Herrera Campíns became president in 1978. Declining world oil prices sent Venezuela's economy into a tailspin, increasing the country's foreign debt. Pérez was reelected to a nonconsecutive term in 1988 and launched an unpopular austerity program. Military officers staged two unsuccessful coup attempts in 1992, while the following year Congress impeached Pérez on corruption charges. President Rafael Caldera Rodríguez was elected in Dec. 1993 to face the 1994 collapse of half of the country's banking sector, falling oil prices, foreign debt repayment, and inflation. In 1997, the government announced an expansion of gold and diamond mining to reduce reliance on oil.
Spanish (official), numerous indigenous dialects
Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arab, German, African, indigenous people
Roman Catholic 96%, Protestant 2%
Literacy Rate
93% (2003 est.)
Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2011 est.): $378.9 billion; per capita $12,700. Real growth rate: 4.2%. Inflation: 26.1%. Unemployment: 8.2%. Arable land: 3%. Agriculture: corn, sorghum, sugarcane, rice, bananas, vegetables, coffee; beef, pork, milk, eggs; fish. Labor force: 13.32 million; services 70.9%, industry 21.8%, agriculture 7.3% (2011 est.). Industries: petroleum, construction materials, food processing, textiles; iron ore mining, steel, aluminum; motor vehicle assembly. Natural resources: petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, gold, bauxite, other minerals, hydropower, diamonds. Exports: $92.61 billion (2011 est.): petroleum, bauxite and aluminum, steel, chemicals, agricultural products, basic manufactures. Imports: $46.44 billion (2011 est.): raw materials, machinery and equipment, transport equipment, construction materials. Major trading partners: U.S., China, India, Brazil (2009).
Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 7.083 million (2009); mobile cellular: 27.88 million (2009). Radio broadcast stations: AM 244, FM n.a. (20 in Caracas), shortwave 11 (2010). Radios: 10.75 million (1997). Television broadcast stations: 36 (2010). Televisions: 4.1 million (1997). Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 888,028 (2010). Internet users: 8.918 million (2009).
Transportation: Railways: total: 806 km (2008). Highways: total: 96,155 km; paved: 32,308 km; unpaved: 63,847 km (2002 est.). Waterways: 7,100 km; Rio Orinoco and Lago de Maracaibo accept oceangoing vessels (2011). Ports and harbors: Amuay, Bajo Grande, El Tablazo, La Guaira, La Salina, Maracaibo, Matanzas, Palua, Puerto Cabello, Puerto la Cruz, Puerto Ordaz, Puerto Sucre, Punta Cardon. Airports: 492 (2012).
International disputes: claims all of Guyana west of the Essequibo River; maritime boundary dispute with Colombia in the Gulf of Venezuela and the Caribbean Sea; US, France and the Netherlands recognize Venezuela's claim to give full effect to Aves Island, which creates a Venezuelan EEZ/continental shelf extending over a large portion of the Caribbean Sea; Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines protest the claim and other states' recognition of it.
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